The Kilcher family is known for their homestead way of life. From Yule Kilcher’s historical contribution in the Alaskan state constitution to the new generation of Kilchers homesteaders, the life of the Kilcher family has been documented in the reality TV...
Otto Kilcher has spent all of his life in the homestead. The sixth child of Yule and Ruth Kilcher, Otto has battled through the rough winters of Alaska all his life. A curious child, Otto loved tinkering and was always either...
The eldest of the three Kilcher children, Shane Kilcher looks most likely to carry on his father’s legacy. Even though the pair don’t share the best of relationships, Shane has remained close to his father over the years. But with both...
Atz Lee Kilcher is the black sheep in the Kilcher family. The youngest of the Kilcher sons, Atz Lee takes his name form his father Atz Kilcher. But unlike Atz Kilcher, Atz Lee struggled to find a place for himself in...
Jane Kilcher is a new entry into the Kilcher household. A commercial fisherman, Jane has known a life in the sea for all her life. Not afraid to take on challenges, Jane is well suited for life in the homestead. She...
Eivin Kilcher shares the same can-do attitude his father, Otto Kilcher, is known for. A self-reliant homesteader, Eivin’s homestead is located half a mile away from his father’s. While Eivin’s wife, Eve, is huge on farming and provides the vegetables from...
Eve Kilcher is all about green. The family’s green thumb, Eve maintains and runs a massive garden. Known in the family for being able to generate a massive amount of food in a short period, Eve understands the ins and outs...